Today’s topic is one I am always excited to talk about… art supplies! Or, more specifically how to create an art kit for customers who come to your online paint parties.
In fact, having art kits for purchase or even as an upsell as part of your online paint party event, you can boost your sign up rates and profits. Offering an art kit with your paint parties will remove a big barrier a lot of people have to signing up for an online painting class. Many people feel overwhelmed with the sheer number of choices out there, when it comes to art supplies, and many will appreciate having everything they need for your virtual paint party in one tidy little package!

What to Put in an Art Kit?
Here’s what I typically put in the art kits I sell to my customers:
1. Paper Towel
This one seems basic, but a paper towel is one of the most vital art supplies! Customers can use them to dry their brushes when changing colors. Just fold it up a few times and stick it in the kit.
2. Cup
This is for your your customers to rinse their brushes out with as they work. I usually find cute inexpensive ones at the Dollar Store or the Target Dollar Spot. This is helpful because you don’t want them to use their nice kitchen cups when painting!
3. Canvas
I usually pre-trace the outline for my customers onto their canvas before the paint party. So, I do the same for my art kits. I always bring a few blank one, just in case someone doesn’t want their design pre-traced. The larger canvases obviously won’t fit in the bag, so I’ll just hand both off separately.
4. Paint
For an online paint party art kit or art kits sale, you’ll rarely need to give out full bottles of paint. Instead, you can use little one ounce cups from Amazon and fill them up with paint before adding them to the bag. It’s a good idea to seal the top one a piece of scotch tape and put them all into a plastic bag!
5. Brushes
The kind of brushes you’ll need depends on what type of painting you’ll be teaching for your online paint party event. In general, I like to do one big brush and one smaller. You can buy large packs at craft store like Hobby Lobby using a 40% off coupon to save money. And, each art kid doesn’t have to have the same sets of brushes either so, buy an inexpensive variety pack from the craft store.
6. Thank You Card
You don’t have to make it too fancy, but make it a point to add a “thank you” note to your art kits. This is a great opportunity to let people know how to keep up with you on social media for future classes too!
7. Fun Surprise
It’s always nice to get a little something extra! I like to add glitter glue so they can give their piece a little extra sparkle.
Note: do not add actual glitter to your art kit. People hate it! It gets everywhere and leaves a big mess to clean up—just don’t do it!
How to Package Your Kit

There are so many fun ways to package these! One popular method some of my Paint Party Headquarters members have used is to take brown paper bags and decorate them. This is such a fun way to personalize bags and get people excited to come to your paint party. If you want to keep it simple, you can just add a sticker to your paper bag and call it a day.
How to Arrange Pick Up
When it comes to getting your newly made art kit into the eager arms of your customers, there’s a little bit of logistics to work through. Here are some methods I have used in the past that have worked well for me.
Arrange an In-Person Pickup
One thing I’ve done several times is arranged for people to come pick up their art kits from me. I don’t want to give my home address out for safety reasons (and I suggest you don’t either!). So what I do is let people know that I’ll be in a certain spot (typically Starbucks) for a 2-3 hour period.
I like doing this because I get to sit and enjoy my coffee and a good book (by the way, my current favorite is Big Magic – SO fantastic!) while my students come to me. Plus it’s always nice to say hello and meet people face-to-face.
Ship Kits to Them
This is a good method to utilize if you have students out of the area. However, it can take a good amount of time and energy to get things mailed properly. Plus, there is an additional cost associated with the postage and packaging, so make sure to factor all of this into your pricing.
Drop Kits Off
Dropping art kits off to those who are taking your class will only work if they are local. Again, you have to consider the extra cost factor here – your time really is money when it comes to business! Plus, gas and car maintenance can quickly add up.
I don’t go door to door to drop my kits off typically. Instead, I utilize this method when I am teaching a large group. So, for example, if I teach a paint party at a church or a country club, I’ll put together my art kits and drop them off ahead of time. This works great for digital and in-person paint parties!
Video: Learn More About Art Kits and Having a Paint Party Business
In this video, I go into a few different things:
- More in detail information about art kits and examples of what to include
- A pep talk, if you will. I’m very passionate about artists being able to earn an income doing what they love.
- Information on Paint Party Headquarters! I LOVE teaching creative souls exactly how to grow a thriving paint party business.
If you have any tips or tricks to putting together art kits, or any questions, please drop them in the comments below. I’d love to chat!

Art kitsch are fun
Rt kits r fun!!
Art kits are fun!!
Art kits are fun!!!
Art kids are fun
Art kits are $$$$
Art kits are fun!!!
Art Kits are fun !
Art kits are fun they come with a cute theme all the tools you need and you can out your own spin on it
Art kits are fun ????
I love watching you and your Art Kis are fun
Art kits are fun!
Art kits are fun.
Art kits are fun!
Art kits are awesome.
Thanks for stopping by!
Art kits are fun!! ❤️
Art kits are fun
Art kits are so much fun!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Art kits are fun!!!!!!
Keep up your good work, Heidi ????
Art kits are fun????
Art kits are fun
Art kits are an excellent way to pass time!
Art kits are fun and profitable.
ART KITS ARE FUN❤❤❤????????????????????????
Are kids it’s fun
Art kits are SO SO FUN!
Are kits are FUN!!!!!!!!!
Art kits are amazing xing!!
Art kits are sooooooo much fun cause everyone’s comes out so different
Paint kits are the best!!
Art kits are a great idea especially for fairly new painters. How exciting to get one! Easy peasy for them. ????
Art kits are super fun!!
????Art kits are fun!????
Art kits are fun????
Thanks for stopping by!
Art kits and fun love doing crafts
Art Kits are a new form of teaching and communication in this troubled word! Art kits are so much fun at any age!
Art kits are SO MUCH FUN!!!
Art kits are the Bomb!!!
Art kits are fun!!
Art kits are FUN!!!!!!!!! And EXCITING to see all the different designs!
Art kits are funtastic!
Art kits are fun!
Thanks for stopping by!
Art kits are unique one of a kind. You have inspired me to start painting and creating again
Heidi is THE BEST!!!! Such an amazing inspiration.
I can’t wait to try out one of your are kits and I am hoping to have time to join in for a lot more fun art kits
Art kits ate amazing
Art kits , Art Fun !
Paint kits are fun!
Artist are fun!
Art kits are so much fun!!
Art kits are fun
Ary kits are fun❣This art kit lookd lime a fun one❣❣
I love to receive art kits and I also love to send art kits!! Art kits are AMAZING!!
Art kits are fun! Thank you Heidi for all you do!
Art kits are fun!! Hi Heidi! I’ve been watching for a few months.
Art kits are fun!
Thanks so much for watching!
ART KITS ARE FUN!!!????????????
Art kits are fun!
Art kits are fun and they nurture our creativity and soul.
Keeping Busy with Halloween kits..Art KITS Are FUN!!
Art kits are fun!
Art Kits are LIFE!!!!
Art kits are so much fun!!
Art kits are so much fun!!!
Art kits are fun!! Thanks Heidi!
I have Lupus and I’m stuck at home with Coronavirus and I am about to go crazy. Can’t go out to pick up any craft supplies and am really getting a little down cause I love to craft and paint and I can’t get the things I need to do painting and crafts. ART kit would be so wonderful and appreciated during my quarantine. ????????????????
Hey Heidi!! Art Kits are Fun and Fabulous
Art kits are FUN! Especially yours!!
Art kits are FUN!!!! Woot Woot!!!!
Art kits are so much fun, thank you Heidi!!
Great info Heidi!!! Thank you!!!
Art kits are fun and profitable!
ART Kits are really fun!!! Than kik you Heidi!!!
Art kits are fun!????
Art kits are great for this beginner!
Art Kits look FUN! Thanks for the chance Heidi ????
Art kits are FUN ❤️
Art kits are fun !
Art kits are AWESOME!!!
Art kits are GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Luv Luv Luv art kits!!!!!!
Art kits are awesome!
Art kits are excellent!
Art kits are fun!!!
Art kits are fun!!!!
Art kits are fun!
“Art Kits Are Fun”
OMG! Art kits are FUN!!
Art kits are fun! ????????
Art kits are the bomb!! ❤️
Art kits are “great” because you have everything you need right in front of you. Thanks Heidi
Art kits are fun for all ages!
Art kits are so much fun! Thank you for sharing so we can expand our business.
Thanks for stopping by!
Art kits are fun! Love to watch Heidi paint!
Art kits are fun
Art kits are fun
Thanks so much for watching!
Art kits are fun! Thanks Heidi for all the great tips ❤️
Art kits are fun, fantastic ways to share (sprinkle the love)~
Thanks for watching!
Art kits are fun! Hi Hiedi
Thanks for watching!
I love Art Kits! Thanks for all you do!
Art kits are fun!
I did already enter this I thought but I don’t see my name anywhere.
I had thought I entered but I do not see my name on here?
Art kits are FUN!!
I love art kits! Especially during this time of virtual learning as a way to keep the kiddos creative energy going!
Art kits are the Best fun!!
Art kits are the Best fun !!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Art Kits Are Fun!!
Art kits help others be creative! Just sent some to my granddaughter for Halloween. I’m new and wanted to get her reaction!
Awesome! Thanks so much for watching!
Art kits are fun!
Paint & Art Kits is Fun & Amazing!!
Love watching anything Texasartandsoul! Would love to win anything they chose to give away!
Thank you
Art kits are fun!
Art kits are so cool!!! I can’t wait to make some up for my ladies Christmas party!
Oh my gosh, Art kits are SO MUCH fun!!!!!!
Thanks so much for watching!
Art kits are fun.
Art kits are so much fun!
Art kits are (super duper) Fun!!!!
Art kits are Love
Hey Heidi,
I think Art Kits are Fun, Easy & Convenient???? I LOVE Art Kits!
Thanks so much Heidi x
“Art kits are fun” love them
Art kits are fun!!!…
Art kits at FUN!!!
Thanks so much for watching!
Thanks for watching!
Thanks so much for watching!
This guy is super cute. Art kits are super fun.
Thanks so much for watching!
Art Kits are Fun! I have to try them!
Thanks for watching!
I have a question about this:
I don’t go door to door to drop my kits off typically. Instead, I utilize this method when I am teaching a large group. So, for example, if I teach a paint party at a church or a country club, I’ll put together my art kits and drop them off ahead of time. This works great for digital and in-person paint parties!
I’m confused what you mean by digital and then in person. By digital do you mean your audience would gather at maybe the church where you dropped them off and you would be at home on line? and If you are in person why are you selling the paint kits for a paint party? Sorry- just need a little extra explanation. Thank you!
For digital, the customer would order an art kit then, paint along with me online. Each from their own home!
Art kits are my “happy place! “
Awesome thanks for stopping by!
Art kits are fun and makes the outcome look awesome..Lot using kits and Texas art and soul kits look amazing.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks so much for watching!
Art Kits Are Fun and Calming!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks for watching!
Art kits are fun
Thanks for watching!
Art Kits R Fun.
Thanks so much for watching!
Art Kits are FUN!!!
I’m hoping to start selling art kits soon.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for the tips! I never knew I could paint until I saw one of your FB lives last Spring. Thanks for everything you do to help us all!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks for stopping by!
Art kits are fun and so is learning how to build my own creative business! Thank you so much!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks so much watching!
Art kits are a complete, fun and easy way to create a beautiful and unique piece of art while bringing family and friends together for a relatively inexpensive good time.
Yes they are! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Art Kits Are Fun!!
Thanks for coming to my Blog!
Art kits R Fun!!!!? ???????????? Thanks Heidi!! Blessings to all!
Thanks for watching!
Art Kits Are Fun!!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hey Hedi
Art kits are fun!????
YOU are the winner!!! Please email and let us know you were picked! Heidi wants to send you a prize!
Art kits are fun! Thanks Heidi❤️
Thanks for stopping by!
Awesome thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for stopping!
Art kits are fun!
Awesome! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for coming on by!
Art kits are fun & I want to buy that reindeer kit if I don’t win it!
Awesome thanks for stopping by!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks for stopping by!
Love Art kits. Thank u for such informative videos.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks for watching!
Art kits are so much FUN!!!! I love art kits!!!
Yes they are! Thanks so much for stopping by!