I’m going to do a few things today. First, I am going to paint this awesome skeleton painting. While I paint I’m going to talk to you about why you should be kind to yourself. Then I’m going to tell you all about the Paint Party Look Book. It’s a great way to put your paintings in a book to show to potential customers!
If you’re just now getting started in the paint party business world, and you are thinking about doing something maybe this fall, say between August and December, I want you to know that you can make as much as you want. Those of you who have been in the paint party world a while, you know, the opportunities are endless, and in so many different ways.
Members of Paint Party Headquarters will not only get this skeleton painting to use for paint parties and commissions but will also get the Paint Party Look Book!

What is Paint Party Headquarters?
Paint Party Headquarters is a community of people just like you! We are all in this paint party world together in this membership. You get access to tons of paintings and marketing materials you can use for your paint party business. You also get access to training to help you build and grow your paint party business! Join Paint Party Headquarters HERE today!
What is a Look Book?
When you join PPHQ you’ll instantly have access to a number of paintings to use for you business and this awesome look book. You can edit the Look Book to include your own paintings and the paintings available to you through the membership. Then get this printed and use it to show potential customers what you have to offer!

Let’s talk Kindness
How many of you have been around a friend or a family member in the last week that has talked negatively about themselves? Or, maybe it wasn’t a friend or family member, maybe you said something negative about yourself. You know, maybe something like “I don’t like the way I look in this.” Or “I have to do this thing and I really don’t want to.”.
I am definitely guilty of saying some negative things the last one or two weeks. And, that’s OK! We all do it and will probably do it again.
Be Kind to Yourself and Others
I was watching a show where a woman who has bulimia was speaking. She actually had body dysmorphia. Here’s what was interesting, just as she was feeling bad about herself and talking negatively about herself the heavier person was having the same thoughts. But, they were also being very judgmental of others. A lot of time when someone is judging themselves, they are probably judging others as well.

Would you say that to your friend?
When we are judging ourselves and saying negative things, ask yourself “Would you say this to your friend?”. We want to be kind to ourselves and show ourselves grace. We don’t want to be in this space of “just everything is awful”. So not only are we going to show ourselves grace, but let’s show others grace as well. We don’t know their story or what they have experienced, even if we think we know, we really don’t know.
Would you say that to a child?
I used to the worst, someone would complement me on something I was a wearing, you know, my shirt or shoes. My response? Oh, I got this for $2.00! I couldn’t even take a compliment without telling them I only paid $2.00 for it. Because, it’s almost like I wasn’t worth it, right? Now, I want you to think of this negative thing and ask yourself “Would you say this to a child?”.
Would you say this to yourself as a child?
Picture that cute little picture of you as a kid. And think about some of the things you say to yourself every single day. Would you say that to yourself as a kid?
The reason why I wanted to share this with you is because those of you that are doing paint party businesses and those of you that are wanting to make this happen as you start to learn, and you start to realize the possibilities, you realize paint parties don’t have to just be in my town. They can be all over, right? They can be online, really they can be anywhere. The possibilities are endless.
I would have never thought never dreamed in a million years I’d be talking to people from all over. Just because I got the courage enough to go live and paint.

Be Kind to Yourself
When you start thinking about this, if you have all these negative thoughts then those are just automatically going to pour into your business. If you’re talking unkind about yourself daily, or you’re judging other people, why would that not go into your business as well? Of course, it will. So, remember, be kind to yourself so you can see the possibilities!
I want to help you and your paint party business. If you join Paint Party Headquarters you’ll get the BONUS Look Book and so much more. Join HERE today!
If you just like to paint with me then make sure you know when I go Live! Click here to Text me and get notifications!
Watch Me Paint the Skeleton and talk Kindness in the Video Below: