If you have been looking for the perfect opportunity to kick-start or level up your business, you’ve got to learn about Paint Party Business Live 2022! This in-person event is the perfect networking and learning opportunity to build your in-person and online...
If you are looking for business inspiration, you may have missed a surprising source of it….kids’ books! Listen to the book Trying by Kobi Yamada and hear why it’s been such a game-changer for my business and life (and how it can be one for yours...
Learning how to start a paint party business can be overwhelming. Painting in itself is a blast, but when you turn it into a business, there are so many things you need to do before you’re ready to launch. It’s easy to feel like the process of starting a...
I spent the morning in my art studio and just finished up a kid’s painting tutorial that can be used for teaching painting parties. If you have a creative paint party business that you want to grow then you should join Paint Party Headquarters! It is THE place to be...
Do you want in on some top secrets behind paint party marketing? Learn from someone who has found success selling paint party kits. Meet Leah Hayden Boyd from Paint Party Headquarters! She owns her own business, and has sold over 7000 Paint Kits! Leah shared some of...
You see me talk about teaching paint parties a lot, I know. But when you hear from other people it really starts to hit home. So, today I’m talking with two Paint Party Headquarters Members, Tammy and Leah. Teaching paint parties has improved their lives and they are...