PAINT A SUNFLOWER FALL PORCH LEANER I’m excited to share this fun & easy Sunflower “Happy Fall Y’all” porch leaner with you. I’m also chatting about the upcoming Fall Ball Extravaganza! In this fun virtual paint party where I’ll teach you TWO paintings,...
WINE BOTTLE HOLDER FOR CHRISTMAS! This project is great for gifts, hostess gifts, and much more! You can order you wine bottle holder HERE AND, put in TEXASHEIDI as the...
LIVE IN THE DOLLY SUITE 3-HOUR DREAM BIG MASTERCLASS!!! Sign up HERE! EXCLUSIVE! My promise to you… I will walk you through how to set goals that will close the gap from where you are now to where you want to be! You will be able to have a tour of the Dolly...
Have you ever done something that was scary hoping you didn’t fall flat on your face? Well… this week I did something big in my business and to be honest… a little (maybe a lot) terrified to launch it! But, as God always shows me… on the other...
In this video I share an email I received from a Paint Party Headquarters Sister who loves all of the trainings, but is getting frustrated with her progress. I would love to share my heart with you on a few tips and how to set your expectations for growth in business....