Canvas prep is a vital part of my paint party set up! Don’t skip this post – this is incredibly important to have done for your paint parties. Here’s what you need to know. Today I’m going to show you a super easy way to get your canvases...
My very first business (which lead to my paint party business) was painting decorative surfboards at an outdoor mall in Florida back in 2007. When it was time to select a name for it I actually woke up in the middle of night from a dream I had and wrote down “My...
Pixie and I are sooo excited! We are going on a shopping adventure to get all of our paint party supplies for the Paint and Business Bootcamp. We are going to buy all the supplies we need for the bootcamp with a few surprises and lots of shenanigans during the...
Dana from Imagine Nation Paint found purpose and healed from loss through painting. In 2020 she suffered a second miscarriage and was looking for purpose. She considered starting a paint party business several years ago and just never did it. But, she saw a friend...
I interviewed my friend Ashley Raetz of Creative Strategies with Ashley Raetz. She’s a Social Worker by trade but she’s also been a sign maker for the last 9 years and now coaches people who are starting and/or growing their creative business. We talked all about the...
Ready for those long summer days? Me too! In anticipation of the summer months, I’m painting the cutest porch leaner that’s perfect for summer porch decor. Come learn how to paint one, and teach your friends how to do the same! Is it just me, or has this...