Don’t lose hope

Don’t lose hope

As I watch the nation be destroyed and search for words to say that will help and not hurt…. All I know to do is pray. Love y’all so much and I know so many of you are hurting. If you want to learn how to do a Painted Prayer, you can join the...
Splatter Paint Tiger King Mistake Jeans!

Splatter Paint Tiger King Mistake Jeans!

Check out the ​Butterfly and Facebook live challenge discover how EASY it is to create a fun Butterfly! ⁠Learn New Techniques for the Beginner or Advanced Artist! ⁠ ⁠Sign up...
How to Pack an Art Kit

How to Pack an Art Kit

Need to know what to put in an art kit? Well… here is a video that shows the TOP things to put in an art kit!...
DIY Freedom Sign

DIY Freedom Sign

Check out this easy way to do a DIY Freedom Sign! Use Stencils: / Coupon Code...