Wise words by Dolly Parton

Wise words by Dolly Parton

Find out who you are and do it on purpose!” – Dolly Parton ???? I love painted prayers! It can be a quote, a song lyric, bible verse whatever. The point is to make it meaningful to you. It’s not about the finished product, but the process. How you feel when...
Painting a FUN Background!

Painting a FUN Background!

Pre-view! More to come this afternoon! I’m making a painting for my sweet friend’s nursery. I painted a mural for her this weekend and now I really want to make another art piece to hang on the ways. She’s due in just a couple of months!! I’m...
Space Mural

Space Mural

Here’s a super easy mural that I did for my friend. It was so much fun! For those of you that teach Paint Parties… murals are a happy side effect! Thanks Alyson for letting me do this fun mural for your sweet baby boys...
How is your studio organized?!?!

How is your studio organized?!?!

I would love to see photos of your art space!!! Post a photo in the comments of this post: https://www.facebook.com/texasartands… AND, tell us any tips you use to stay organized! My tip?! Find people in your life that can help you. I struggle with organization,...
3 Ways Art Can Bring HOPE!

3 Ways Art Can Bring HOPE!

3 Ways Art Can bring Hope….. I get kind of deep the last few minutes so if you need a pep talk maybe this will help. Love all of you creative souls!!! 1. Purpose 2. Excitement 3. Joy to others Want to learn more about teaching paint parties? Check out my eBook...