Wow! A LOT happened in 2019! I can’t believe everything that has happened this year! I was honored to have shared the stage with some of my creative friends in Toronto! For those of you thinking about doing an online business… check out this video! My business...
Colorado hates me. Well… not all of Colorado, but one of the prettiest places I’ve ever seen did not want me there. Keystone. This story has a point about expectations verses reality and how my unbearable experience can hopefully help you in some way. My family...
I said the stupid-est thing the other day. We were buying stuff for Pixie to have a Christmas party for her friends at our house. We were in line at Big Lots and she said “I wish there were Christmas streamers!” And I said…”It’s a...
What are you terrified of? I know you have something you are scared of… but maybe afraid to admit to yourself or others. Well, the girl below is me… and I used to be terrified of everything! I got married as soon as I turned 18 and Bobby used to...
As the year comes to a close, I begin to reflect on the last year and plan for what I want for the new year. Each year I pick a word to live by. Last year was “Obedience”. I reminded myself of this throughout 2019 and continued to trust in God and follow...
With Christmas approaching and new beginnings for 2020, I start to think about what’s ahead. One of my FAVORITE writings is from Mother Teresa and her wise words hit home! I hope this gives you the courage to go after what you...