Why Crafting Matters

Why Crafting Matters

Why crafting matters and the one stencil trick everyone MUST know! Also, you can find my free ebook HERE! And, to buy the freedom stencil, you can use this link here: Essential Stencil! To get the wood cutout check out https://www.craftkreationz.com and tell them...
Let’s Paint! 4th of July Sign!

Let’s Paint! 4th of July Sign!

Let’s paint something for 4th of July! And, if you want to get the stencil you can purchase here: Use this LINK! Want to check out my ebook on teaching paint parties!?! Click...
Don’t give up!

Don’t give up!

Don’t give up on yourself. Since I can’t go back and tell myself this secret 7 years ago, I’ll tell you. Don’t give up. Don’t expect every single painting party to be a smashing success. However, if you persevere you WILL get where you...
How to Turn your Mistakes into Something Good!!!

How to Turn your Mistakes into Something Good!!!

How to turn a mistake into something good! Here is an easy tip on how to turn a mistake into something good! Also, check out Paint Party Business LIVE! The first business conference of it’s kind!!!! More info...
Why use Metallics… AND a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!

Why use Metallics… AND a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!

Why use Metallic and adding some metallic to an Alice in Wonderland painting!!! AND… A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!! It’s HAPPENING!!!! And YOU are INVITED!! Register for the Paint Party Business Live HERE!!!: Join the 5-Day Painted Prayer Challenge...