This Super Easy Snowman can be done all at once or break it up into 3 30-Minute Sessions.

Here’s the Supplies Needed:

Here is your Supply List!  It’s pretty easy!

DecoArt Americana Paints

Dark Chocolate

Lamp (Ebony) Black

Snow (Titanium) White

Brilliant Red

Canyon Orange

The paint is cheaper at Michaels, but you can go to Amazon in case you don’t want to go to the store.

Large piece of Wood OR 24X36 Canvas  (I always use a coupon for Micheals or Hobby Lobby.)

1 Inch Flat Brush

6 Round Brush

Liner Brush

Big Brush (Any kind)

Glitter Glue


I use Essential Stencil for the Buffalo Plaid.  You can get yours here   If you use coupon code TEXASHEIDI you’ll get a bigger discount!

Then pick a unique stencil for the snow.  You can do normal snow and snowflake stencils by ordering from Essential Stencil  Use TEXASHEIDI for a coupon code or just use what you have.  I had a fun paisley stencil I used for snow, but I want y’all to get really creative so just have something fun!

Here is access to the Tracers:

Day 1-
✅Paint Background Color
✅Paint Nose
✅Fill in Eyes, mouth, buttons
✅Stripes on Side
✅Celebrate Day 1!!!!

Great Job!!!! ????????

Day 2-
✅Use stencils or free hand Snow
✅Paint Hat


Day 3-
✅Paint Scarf
✅Add Branch for arm
✅Add Glitter!
✅Add any extra Details! 


So excited to paint with you!!!  It’s looking a lot like CHRISTMAS!!! If you want to learn more about how you can take your Paint Parties to the next level… Check out my ebook for How to Take your Paint Party Business or CRAFTY business Online! You can find out more HERE.