Have you heard of Girl Math? If you haven’t, we are going to have some fun talking about a something that has been a big subject between Pixie and me in the past few weeks. It’s really just a lot of crazy stuff. For example: If you pay with cash, it was technically free, because the money has already left the bank!
If you want some more fun examples head over TicTok and Instagram and just search girlmath, you’ll get a ton of funny stuff justifying our expenses. So I decided to come up with a Paint Party Edition of Girl Math.

Mindset First
Before we get to the Girl Math fun let’s talk about the power of words and mindset. The power of our words is so important, they can be poison. I said something to Bobby yesterday and I had to apologize. We are all going to say things we don’t mean. I apologized, we talked about it and we moved on. Our words either give us power or life or death.
So many times, we get stuck in a mindset of negativity. Like if I’m always thinking “I can’t have a party, nobody going to sign up in my small town.” I’ve heard every single reason why people cannot do a paint party. Examples: Someone else in my town is doing them so I can’t, I’m an introvert, I’m not outgoing, etc., etc., etc.
Action Second
What can you do to change that mindset? Take action! Part of taking action is the way you think about it. The average human has 6.000 thoughts per day! That’s probably not even the unconscious thoughts. Just remember if your mindset is always negative then that’s what’s going to happen. We have to be in control of our mindset. I want to challenge you to be in control of your mindset, the way you are thinking, about yourself and other people and how your business is going to be.

Being Positive
I used to be the most negative person in the world! My husband used to call me out. He said “Heidi, you would complain if you got the cash option if you won the lottery.” It hit me like a ton of bricks. I really started watching my words and my mannerisms. I started realizing that I was a complainer, nothing was ok. Then I was able to change it! Now it’s time for some fun stuff.
Girl Math is Fun
Girl math is so fun. It’s kind of a trend where we explain to the boys how we justify our spending. For example, if you have to spend $40 to get free shipping, we would be losing money if we didn’t spend that extra $10 to get free shipping. So many of them are that way!
Girl Math – Paint Party Edition
I like to be a little more realistic, if I want to pay for a cruise to the Bahamas and I need $650.00. I would take that total cost and divide by $35.00. This gives me a little over 18, so I just rounded up to 19. What does this mean? It means I need to 19 painters at a paint party and I can go on that cruise! Or, if I wanted to get my nails done, that’s about $50 – $60, it would be 2 painters to get my nails done. I love thinking about what I want to happen in my life by the number of painters I would need!
How positive is that? You only need 2 painters to get your nails done or 19 painters to go on cruise. Maybe 5 painters to get a prom dress for your daughter. What does that look for you? How many painters do you need to do what you want?
You can have so much fun with this and even set goals!
Do you want to learn how you can have your first paint party and use some girl math to get your next trip or your daughters prom dress? You can take this FREE training to learn how to book your first paint party HERE!
Watch the full Girl Math video here:
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