Hey, friends! I know we’re often talking business here—how to make money with paint parties, all the tips and tricks to get your creative hustle on. But today, I want us to take a little detour, a creative brain break if you will. Whether you’re deep in the trenches of business or just looking for a moment to yourself, sometimes all you need is a pen, a piece of paper, and a few minutes to let your mind wander.

Yep, I’m talking about doodling!
If you’ve never tried doodling before, it’s not only relaxing but also encourages creative flow. The best part? You don’t need any fancy art supplies—just grab whatever you have on hand. A pen, pencil, Sharpie—whatever feels good to you. The goal here isn’t to create a masterpiece; it’s to take a few moments to unwind and let your imagination run wild.

Step 1: Grab Your Paper and Draw Your Shape
Okay, first things first—take a deep breath. Now grab a piece of paper and draw a simple shape. You could draw a heart, a pumpkin (it is fall after all!), or even a Christmas tree. There are no rules here, just draw whatever comes to mind. It can be as basic or as detailed as you want.
Once you’ve got your shape, we’re going to turn it into a doodle. The idea here is to divide your shape into different sections by drawing lines coming out from the center. This creates “compartments” for us to fill with fun, repetitive patterns.

Step 2: Start Filling It In with Patterns
Now comes the fun part! We’re going to fill each section with a repeating pattern. Here are some easy ones to get you started:
- Hatching: Draw parallel lines across the space.
- Cross-hatching: Add another layer of lines going in the opposite direction.
- Stippling: Make little dots all over the place (this one’s super calming).
- Waves: Draw curvy lines that flow like the ocean.
You can keep it as simple or as intricate as you’d like. Hearts, stars, squiggles, zigzags—there’s no wrong way to do this!

Step 3: Add Meaning to Your Doodles
While you’re drawing, here’s where the brain break really kicks in. As you fill each section, think of something you’re grateful for. Maybe it’s a person in your life, a recent experience, or just something small that brought you joy today. For me, I’d be thinking about my family—Bobby and Pixie—and reflecting on a special memory. It turns your doodling into a kind of meditative practice, and it feels oh-so-good.

Step 4: Show Some Grace
Now for a little twist. As you make these doodles, take a moment to give grace—to others and yourself. Think about a challenging situation or a person who’s rubbed you the wrong way. Picture them as a five-year-old, innocent and playful. It’s amazing how it softens our frustrations. Give them grace in your doodling, and then turn that grace back on yourself. We’re all just doing our best out here, right?

Doodle with Purpose
Whether you’re taking a break between paint parties or just need a moment of peace, doodles are a fantastic way to reset. And trust me, it’s not about the end result—it’s about the process. Turn on some music, maybe something like The Blessing or your favorite coffeehouse playlist, and let the pen do the talking.

Oh, by the way, if you’re looking for more ways to have fun creating, be sure to join us for the Snowman Showdown! You’ll not only get to create more cute and festive designs, but I’ll also show you how to turn your love for art into a business teaching paint parties. It’s going to be a blast! Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity!
Until next time, keep creating and remember—art is therapy, art is joy, and most importantly, art is FUN!
More Inspiring Reads…
- Do you struggle with anxiety?
- Find Inspiration Everywhere: Listen to the Make Room Song + Paint with Me
- Put Your Faith In God, Where It Belongs

Your zentangle piece looks like a Romero Britto painting. So fun! Also, I like really like the example in the middle of your post–with the polka dot trees and wavy lined foreground! What a great idea for a Zen-style Paint Night!
Thank you so much!!!