As an artist, I find inspiration absolutely everywhere…sometimes in even really random places! This past week at church I heard the Make Room song and was totally inspired by it. Here is a list of things I learned from the song plus a painting that was inspired by it.
I’m so excited about this post! I have been so inspired by the lyrics and meaning of the song Make Room for days and days now. I felt so strongly about what I learned and the inspiration that it gave me that I just wanted to share with you all!

Make Room Song Lyrics
I’m going to spare you all from having to listen to my singing voice 😅 but I did want to share some of the lyrics I found particularly inspiring!
Here’s where I lay it down
Every burden, every crown
This is my surrender
Isn’t that absolutely beautiful? You can read the full lyrics here – they are so deep and full of meaning!!

3 Lessons I Learned from the Song Make Room
If you are a praying person like me, or even if you aren’t, I think these lessons are helpful! I truly believe that if we are not putting God first all our stresses, failures, wins will all feel lonely and small compared to the richness of what they could be. I’m not perfect but I strive to honor God with all I do and He has blessed my business – I’m thankful for Him every single day.
We need to make room for Him!

1. Spend Time with God First Thing in the Morning
My daughter, husband and I do a morning devotional together every single morning while we drink our morning coffee. It’s a quick, non-intense thing that helps us start our day on the right foot.
However, I found that I wasn’t intentionally inviting Him in. So I know start my day by literally inviting God into my day and ask Him to be with me. I was also inspired by a friend to read a Proverb every single day – and they have been so life-giving and helpful to me.

2. God Multiplies What We Do
How many times have you thought about giving up? A few years back I was going to give up the online stuff and teaching paint parties. I was going to go back to teaching full-time. Thankfully, my husband talked me out of it. He could see what I couldn’t – we were planting seeds that just hadn’t grown yet! It’s kind of crazy to think I could have just walked away, especially since I’m such a huge advocate of building an online business!
There are so many times when I thought things were too hard and I wanted to quit, but I had to have faith that my hard work would be multiplied and those seeds would grow…He never lets me down!

3. His Way is Better
The Make Room song says over and over “your way is better, your way is better”.
Listen, sometimes our life doesn’t go as planned and we feel so disappointed. SO many things have disappointed us over the years – big, sad, scary things, yes, but also small little things too.
Sometimes those burdens are just too much and we have breaking moments. I’ve had them too! But when I listen to this song, it reminds me that I don’t have to carry it all. It’s all going to be okay. I’ll be stronger for it in the end.
As you can see, as artists, we can take inspiration from absolutely anything if we open our minds. For example, one of my most recent sources of inspiration was this children’s book, Trying.

Paint with Me!
Of course, I had to create a painting because I was so inspired! In this video, I show you how to paint this painting step by step and also chat more about the Make Room song and how my faith has been inspired by it.
I would LOVE for you all to listen to this song, Make Room. Then, text me and let me know what you think and what lessons you take away from it!
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