These little Truck and Tree Tea Lights are so fun to paint. And make a wonderful family memory.
I started off by painting the entire thing black. Paint the windows and tires solid black. I know this might seem weird but it makes it have an old and vintage look.
I couldn’t decide if I should paint it Red or Teal, but you all helped me decide on Teal. So I picked two of my favorite DecoArt colors: Seabreeze and Laguna.

I started off by dry brushing on Laguna over the entire body of the truck. You want to “grab and dab” the paint on your brush. It’s okay if you get some on the windows or tires. I’m not even mad if some of the black shows through.
As that is drying I start adding Greens to the Christmas Tree. I used Hauser Dark Green, Festive Green, Yellow Green and Festive Green Metallic. I started with the darkest green and added layers finishing off with the Festive Green Metallic for that extra POP!
I went back to the teal colors and dip and whipped on some Sea Breeze. I would take a baby wipe or paper towel and wipe off any excess. It will look beat up and aged.
Next I clean up the windows and tires with a layer of solid black paint.
Then I painted the Bumpers, Grill and Headlights with a mixed grey. Then I painted some silver on top. I added some highlights in the windshield and windows as well.
With a good liner brush I painted the Truck rims white.
I had to add my favorite 24K Gold on the Christmas Tree, Truck hood, body and bed. Wipe off any excess.
With my finger I added Snow-Tex onto the tree branch tips. It has a great thickness. Wipe on a few spots where the snow would naturally collect. Like on top of the fenders, running boards and tailgate.
It is so fun to write a last name or “Me Maw” and ” Pa Paw” on the tailgate with a sharpie or paint marker.

I added a simple wreath to both truck doors and added a letter as a monogram.
Once your project is completely dry you and seal it with a Spray Polyurethane or a layer of Gloss Mod Podge.
And everything is better with Glitter, so I added touches of Crystal Craft Twinkles.

Order your 4 pack of Truck & Christmas Tree Tea Lights here.
Here is the color list:
Deco Art Products: You can use or find something similar or just use what you’ve got! The main thing is to be CREATIVE!
Tuscan Red
Sea Breeze
24K Gold Metallic
Yellow Green
Festive Green
Festive Green Metallic
Hauser Dark Green
Crystal Craft Twinkles