Sometimes the most simple tasks can be completely overwhelming when trying to launch your own business. If you are considering teaching paint parties online, this video series will cover practical info that’ll help you succeed! Today, we are talking about art party supplies and how to get them into the hands of your students.
Have you been wondering how to make money as an artist? It may seem like an impossible task, but I’m here to tell you that the term starving artist is bunk! This helpful video series will show you exactly how to start teaching paint parties online. I’ll walk you through the logistics and give you plenty of tips and tricks that have helped hundreds of other artistic women, just like you, thrive! Let’s get started.
Grow a Successful Business
Are you ready to learn all there is about staring a successful paint party business? I hope so! I am going to drop a TON of knowledge in my upcoming Paint Party Online Workshop all about the future of paint parties.
This is a FREE 3-Part Training Series called Paint Parties Online! Today, we are going to start with Video 1 is available right now!
I am ready to share my advice, experience, ideas, and tricks to help you understand the challenges of teaching Paint Parties ONLINE… and, yes… actually get some traction with teaching Paint Parties ONLINE!
How I Grew a Successful Paint Party Business

If you are new to the blog, you may be wondering who I am, and how I became qualified to teach about paint parties. Well, not so long ago, I was struggling. Big time. My husband and I were in a tough season where we lost our home, and I was feeling so ashamed and alone.
Thankfully, by the grace of God, my story didn’t end there. I started using art as a form of self-therapy while in an apartment with my young daughter by creating painted surfboards. One thing led to another and I sold over 1,000 of these hand-painted creations bringing in $20,000 for my family.
Eventually, I started teaching people online how to paint. It started with surfboards, but has expanded to so many other forms of art!
Simply put, God taught me how to rely on Him and showed me that it is possible to do what I love and make money. And I realized my passion was teaching other women that they could do the same!
You can read more about my story here.
Video One: The Art Party Supplies You Need (It’s Easier Than You Think!)
The concept of teaching paint parties online is simple enough, yes. However, if you have ever tried to (or thought about trying to) actually do one, the logistics can get overwhelming, fast. That’s why I wanted to create this video series and walk you through some of the spots I see people getting hung up on the most.

What This Video Covers
In Video 1 of Paint Parties Online we’ll be covering exactly what supplies you need to start teaching paint parties ONLINE and why it can be easier than you think.
- What you actually need to get started.
- Stay organized and sane without burning yourself out.
- Where (and how) to tell your customers to buy supplies.
- And, stay tuned for a brand new video SPECIFICALLY on ways to start your first online party without any embarrassment of feeling rejected…more on that soon.
Why Talk About Art Party Supplies?

I know it may seem like this topic is a bit random, but I promise you it isn’t. One of my favorite quotes is by John W. Newbern, and it goes:
“People can be divided into three groups:
- Those who make things happen
- Those who watch things happen
- Those who wonder what happened
My goal is for you to move from group number two or three into group number one – those who make things happen! And we do this by conquering those tiny little logistical issues that can hinder us from taking action.
In my many years of teaching Paint Parties, I often found myself trying to figure out the best supplies and it took a ton of energy out of me. It took me a very long time to figure out what I needed and what my online customers needed. Now, I’m sharing everything I’ve learned with you so that you can stop being stuck on the supplies decisions that may keep you overwhelmed and stressed.
Watch the Video: Learn About Art Party Supplies
Don’t Miss the Next Video
With this new Future of Paint Parties, there are SO many opportunities! I can’t wait to hear all about your success story!
This is the first of three videos released on August 13th and will only be available for a few weeks! It’s only 10 minutes long so watch it here so you don’t miss out! Check out Video 1 and take your first step to teaching Paint Parties ONLINE! I’m so excited to share this with you!
Are you ready to Join Paint Party Headquarters? Get on the waitlist today and we’ll let you know when the doors are open! Get on the waitlist HERE!
Stay tuned for Video 2 coming out on Monday, August 17th! See you then!
I’m new to these classes. I cannot find out how to download the images. I do not have a printer so I have to have my daughter help me
When you click on an image just right click and SAVE AS to your desktop. From there you can send to Staples or a place that can print.
I would like to paint and cannot find what supplies that I need do buy so where do I find this ?
Michaels, Wal-mart, or Hobby Lobby have paint and brushes you can purchase.
Quite a few months ago I seen a beautiful angel you had painted She was beautiful & was In a Beautiful blue, brown hair! I can’t find her anymore! can you help me please? Thanks
Thanks for watching here it is one Youtube!
Awesome thanks for sharing
Thanks for watching!
Do you have the pattern for the angel
This is exclusive to Paint Party Headquarters! The Doors open in May you can get on the waitlist today!
I love y’all watching you! You are so much fun. My problem is getting my Facebook page setup w/ a way for people to pay. Web page and blog. Where can I go to learn how to do this?
I recommend having a Paypal account so you can create a Paypal button for people to pay you. We have some more videos coming this week!
I finally got an email from you. I am really looking forward to the paint party.
Awesome thanks so much!
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, it gives me hope that I may be able to earn a bit extra with my passion for art.
Thanks so much for reading my blog!
Awesome thanks for watching!
Where is the supply list for the August paint party? I have already signed up
Did you get into the Facebook group for Fall Ball?? The supply list is under Announcements there let me know!
I have joined the Paint Party Live that you are holding on Aug. 25 to 27th but I can not seem to find the supple list or the design can you please help me ???
Thank you
Did you get into the Facebook group for Fall Ball?? The supply list is under Announcements there let me know!
I’m so excited to join this group!
Do you draw your own projects or is there a site to go to download them?
I have tracers I use. Once you are a member of Paint Party Headquarters you have access to these! Here is the waitlist link Doors Open September 13th!
Thank you for the awesome videos. You are an inspiration to this old lady. ☺ I’m looking forward to your fall ball. Wish I could do videos as well as you, unfortanatly that will be my struggle. I’m not good speaking online on camera. Any ideas on how to over come or get around that?!? ????
Thanks for your sweet comments! Yes, just do it! My first videos were SO BAD!!! NO energy, etc. BUT, with practice you will get better and better!
Oh my goodness! My first videos were SOOOO BAD!!!! My best advice is to keep doing it, practice will make you more confident AND I promise it gets easier.
Heidi you are the greatest. I was able to see the first live but can’t find the one to post my picture live doing this
Oh no! It was in announcments! Try there!
I love the idea of not having to actually supply the kits. I am excited to get started.
Awesome! It is a ton of fun!
I was wondering if there is a smaller tracer for the boy and girl snowmen picture besides the24x24 one??
If you go to Block Posters .com, you cna upload the tracer there make it whatever size you like by playing with the page number and protrait vs landscape settings.
Thanks for stopping by at this time there is not!