If you are thinking about hosting your own paint party (hooray!) but have some paint party FAQs, you are in the right place! I’ve heard from hundreds, if not thousands, of you, and today I will be answering the most frequently asked questions about painting parties!
If you are new to painting parties, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by everything. The good thing is that hosting a painting party is much easier than you would think!
All you need are a few supplies and the desire to teach a painting party. That, coupled with a little knowledge and determination will get you far!!! So let me clear up any of the things you’ve been pondering with these FAQs. If your question isn’t here, leave it in the comments, or just text me your questions! I’m here to help.

5 Paint Party FAQ’s
Do you want to start a painting party but just don’t know where or how to get started? Here are some of the most common answers to questions that you might have about hosting a paint party!
1. How Much Do Art Supplies Cost to Teach Paint Parties?

How much you spend on art supplies for your painting party classes is completely up to you. This is one of the most common paint party FAQ’s that I get all of the time!
There is a wide variety of painting supplies available and you can choose what brand fits your budget the most.
If you shop at places like Hobby Lobby or Amazon, you can get some great deals on painting supplies. I love going to Michaels too – just don’t forget your coupon. 😉
For more information on getting supplies for a painting party, you can check out this post on the cost of art supplies!!
Plus, you can even go shopping with me as I shop for my next painting party! This might help you to prepare to do the same.
2. How Much Should I Charge for a Paint Party?
Another one of the paint party FAQs that you might have is how much to charge for a painting party.
This will be mainly up to you and how much you think the party is worth, but prices often vary between $25 and $50.
This often depends on what kind of project the painting party is focusing on. Whether it be painting canvases, door hangers, porch learners, or art kits.
Whatever you do – do NOT undercharge or undervalue yourself! You are worth the cost and your art will bring joy to your students.
If you still aren’t sure about pricing, you can use this free paint party pricing guide!!
3. How Do I Know What Designs are “on-trend”?

If you are worried about what kind of designs are trendy for your painting party, there are several things that you can do.
Pinterest is a great way to see what designs are trending as well as youtube or Google. These places will all feature popular painting designs.
Additionally, there are classic seasonal designs that come back year after year. A snowman or a reindeer, for example, will always be “trendy” during Christmas!
If you really want to take all of the guesswork out of it, I’ve got you! We offer tons of painting designs and marketing materials by season inside Paint Party Headquarters. Here’s one you can use NOW to get started for seasonal designs!
4. How Do I Get Started Teaching a Ladies Night Out or Even a Kids Paint Party Event?
It might feel daunting to start a painting party, but it is very easy to do, I promise! All you need to do to get started is start to send invitations and get the word out.
Once the word is out there, you will start to have people coming to you!
If you are still unsure about how to start, you can check out these posts on how to host a toddler paint party and girl’s night in paint and sip!
5. How Do You Teach and Pace Your Paint Parties to Stay on Time and Make Sure Everyone Leaves Happy?

Another one of the most common paint party FAQs is how to keep everything running smoothly.
Most of this just comes down to planning out the entire paint party and having everything ready and set up. But you will also want to be able to go with the flow. Sometimes the most fun comes from not following the schedule!!
Still, need some information on hosting a paint party? I’ll show you from start to finish! Learn how to paint an acrylic painting from start to finish. Come along with me and watch me teach an actual in-person paint party event! Get the full paint party breakdown at Paint and Business Bootcamp!
Want to Learn More About Paint Parties?
For more details on how to create your own painting party business, join the Paint Party Headquarters! Because yes – it is possible to make a living as an artist!!
Also, for more tutorials on painting and running a business, you can follow my YouTube channel!