I have a monthly Q&A with my Paint Party Headquarters members and last month a member asked this question: “Heidi, do you have times when you feel like, you know, you can’t do this? Or do you have times when you feel like, you can’t and keep going in your business? And how do you handle that or overcome it?” This is something I deal with all the time, self-doubt or I don’t feel good enough for this or feel like I can’t do this.

Now, I want to just tell y’all I’ve had a lot of support from family and friends. If you don’t my story then you should know that we filed bankruptcy before the age of 30 and lost everything. Shortly thereafter I started a decorative surfboard painting business then started teaching paint parties which lead to teaching you how to make money teaching paint parties.  

sunflower painting, acrylic on canvas

Struggles, Trials and Self-Doubt

Throughout all of that there were a lot of struggles and trials. I remember I was getting ready to quit my full-time teaching job and move to teaching paint party’s full time. I had built this business up and knew I could transition successfully. And when I say successfully, I knew I could replace my teaching salary with my paint party income.

The reason I’m telling you all of this is because it was Fourth of July weekend and we were with extended family when a family member looked at me and said “Well, you think that’s gonna work?”. This gave me just a little bit of self-doubt. Now, he probably doesn’t even remember saying this to me but it has an impact that day, so much so I still remember that moment.

Everyone is living life through their lens.

But here’s what I’ve come to realize, all that self-doubt has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with them and their failures. It has to do with their fears. Maybe they wanted to try something and didn’t do it because they couldn’t figure it out or didn’t know where to start. So, for that moment they need to make you feel insecure. I’ve always tried to remember that people have different circumstances. Everyone is living life through their lens, right?

Some people want the bare minimum and they are ok with being on cruise control. There are also seasons in our life when we want to be on autopilot. But I wrote something my journal and then had a conversation with somebody and I realized, mediocrity is not ok for me.  So, I wrote that that down for me; “Mediocrity is not okay.”.

acrylic sunflower painting and paint pallette

What is your definition of success?

Everyone’s definition of success is different. So, you have to define what success looks like to you. Your definition of success of could be “Hey I just want to teach your paint party to volunteer.” But you have to DEFINE it! Mine was not living paycheck to paycheck. There were so many times I went to the grocery store and called Bobby and asked him “Are you sure you need these pizza rolls? It’s just not going to check out.”. I was there more times than I liked to admit. I knew I never wanted to be in that place again.

That definition has changed over the years. When I was around 19 or 20 years, I used to go to my in laws house to do laundry. While I was there, I would eat corn chips (the name brand kind), drink ensure and use her Tide laundry detergent. I remember sitting there thinking “If I could just buy the name brand corn chips and Tide laundry detergent then I would be successful.”. To this day I don’t take for granted the ability to purchase name brand laundry detergent and corn chips. This is a measurement of success.

Play the mental game.

Play the mental game. Tune out the noise. Tune out the negative comments from family and friends when it comes to your business or goals. Remember, there are going to be times people won’t show up to your paint party or sign up for your paint party. That’s part of business, right? Then, I want you to pray for that person. Do your best to not let the negative effect you. If we let their negativity affect us then we are going to look back and regret it. Surround yourself will people who are going to uplift you. Also, take a walk, move your body.

I hope this helps you with self-doubt. If you are ready to start your paint party adventure then get on the Paint Party Headquarters waitlist. We have over 2000 members in this community. We give them templates on paint parties, we give them marketing strategies, social media tips, and I’m in there doing Q&A every single month, we have a prayer and gratitude meeting. Get on the waitlist here.

Learn how to launch a successful and profitable Paint Party Business with my E-book. You can get it here.

Watch the replay below and learn how to paint a sunflower freehand!

What’s need to start a paint and sip

You can make a profit teaching paint parties

Magic script to book a paint party

self-doubt and how to play the mental game pinterest image